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Have you been attending ESP's monthly 'Surgery'??

If not, here's why you should! ESP's surgeries started in 2011 and have continued with great success throughout the years. The aim of our surgeries is to provide you, our valued customer, with ongoing system knowledge to assist in the running of your club. Whether large or small, public or private, new to ESP or a veteran, the surgery series will cover a number of solution topics to support and maximise Elite in your club! ESP's aim is to provide our customers with free webinar training sessions to assist on…

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What is GDPR?

GDPR, The General Data Protection Regulation is the legal framework for the protection of personal data. This officially comes into effect on 25th May 2018. This replaces the existing Data Protection Act 1998. This includes the previous guidelines set out which were part of the Data Protection Act, but goes much further looking at raising the level of security, control and validation in place for handling data. As more and more activities take place online using personal data, the regulation looks at how this data is managed throughout its life…

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