Point of Sale
The Elite Point of Sale module enables returns to be maximised by more effective stocking and tracking essential revenue stream. Complete with full Order Management and Inventory Control, the system allows ‘just-in-time’ re-ordering as well as identifying high value or rarely sold goods to avoid overstocking.
A detailed Transaction Audit tracks inventory movement including a sales history by item, supplier and product group enabling informed decision-making on product mix and depth for re-ordering purposes.
Interaction with Elite’s Customer Relationship Management module and the Booking module is made directly from the Point of Sale providing a single point of service for your members and visitors.
Touch Screen Point of Sale
Configurable Screen Layout With ‘Hot’ Selling Buttons
Customise the PoS screen to provide instant access to fast selling items. This feature enables you to process transactions quickly, maximising customer service by providing detailed and accurate information relevant to the sale.
Stock Management
Real Time Stock Control
Reduced stock loss and improved profitability. Ensures optimal stock levels, reducing pilferage and maximizing sales by ensuring the correct products are available to sell.
Stock Management Reports
Provides accurate business reporting. Identifies over/under stock situations Improving inventory control and return on investment.
Wireless Stock Taking
Increased staff productivity. Significantly reduces the time to perform a stock take whilst increasing accuracy.
Bundle Sales
Bundle Sales
Apply a promotional code to a booking to automatically create a bundled offer creating flexibility in promotional offerings.
Integrated Electronic Payment
Integrated card payment terminals
Speed up PoS service and eliminate errors and fraud.