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ESP & UKFast Partner Up to Win the Trophy !!

      ESP Leisure joined our partner UKFast in attending their Annual UKFast Golf Day, hosted at the wonderful venue, The Grove Hotel in Hertfordshire, to which the course and the service levels were of the highest standards. On what was the hottest day of the year, the ESP/UKFast Team secured victory with a great team score. ESP work closely with UK Fast and host many of our own servers at their data centre in Manchester. They are the largest privately-owned hosting provider in the UK. They have earned…

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Meet the Team – Peter Holder

ESP caught up with our Product Release Manager, Peter Holder to find out some more about him and his role within the company. How long have you worked for ESP? Just over 5 years now, since May 2014. What was your first role working for ESP? Implementation and Training Consultant. You have a background in golf club operations, how did you find this transition moving across to ESP? Did you find this background useful? Exceedingly useful! Prior to working at ESP I worked across multiple departments of a Golf Club…

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